Lines of research


María Laura Arias Echandi, MSc.
Research Areas
  • Food and water microbiology
About research

As part of the Food and Water Microbiology Section (Faculty of Microrbiology) since 1988, her research includes topics related to food and water inocuity and spoilage, including Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, among others. In the last years, she has dedicated most of her research to the bacteria Arcobacter, describing its first findings in Costa Rica, not just in food but also in clinical cases and evaluating possible control measures among poultry industry.

She has published more than 110 articles in national and international scientific journals, also has had an important participation in scientific symposia and congresses and is a reviewer of different international journals.

She is the creator and director of the Water Microbiology Laboratory, first certified lab (INTE-ISO/IEC 17025-2005) of the Microbiology Faculty.

Academic background

Degree:  Master in Science

University:  Karolinska Institute

Country:  Sweden

Year:  1992

Degree:  Licenciate in Microbiology and Clinical Chemistry

University:  University of Costa Rica

Country:  Costa Rica

Year:  1988

Contact info
Phone: 506 25118643
María Laura Arias Echandi, MSc.

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