About CIET
About the center
Generate knowledge and train students at the graduate and postgraduate level in the area of infectious agents that affect humans and tumor biology using experimental approaches from the areas of cell biology, molecular biology, immunology, proteomics, genomics and epidemiology.
To become a leading research center nationally and internationally in the field of scientific research through the generation of knowledge of scientific relevance translated into articles in high-impact journals, graduate and postgraduate theses, and reflected in the collection of resources from national and international funding enterprises.
Institutional values
- Social responsibility
- Excellence
- Synergy
- Commitment
- Communication
- Respect
- Honesty
The Center for Research in Tropical Diseases (CIET acronym in Spanish) is a multidisciplinary scientific research unit, attached to the Vice-Rector’s Office for Research at the University of Costa Rica, which is dedicated to the study of tropical diseases.
The Center for Research in Tropical Diseases (CIET) began its work as the Center for Research in Parasitology (CIDPA acronym in Spanish). At the end of 1979, Dr. Misael Chinchilla and Dr. Mario Vargas had the vision of gathering a group of researchers to study different aspects of parasitology in our country. Subsequently, the need to develop multi and interdisciplinary research was perceived incorporating within its objectives the investigation of most of the relevant infectious diseases with impact in Costa Rica.
Since then, a solid group of researchers, mainly from the School of Microbiology, has worked with enthusiasm and commitment in search of solutions for the control of the main infectious agents in our country by studying their characteristics, developing better diagnostic methods, and standardizing quality control techniques.
- Promote basic and applied research in the field of infectious diseases.
- Develop multidisciplinary research programs involving specialists from different fields of scientific knowledge to expand knowledge on tropical diseases.
- Seek solutions for the control of the main infectious agents in our country through the study of their characteristics, the development of better diagnostic methods, and the standardization of quality control techniques.
- Link activities to social action, especially regarding the outreach of preventive measures and control of infectious diseases of national interest.
- Promote and participate in the training and qualification of scientific personnel in related areas, providing facilities for their training as part of the programs of the Graduate Studies System.
- Seek financial support from other State institutions, private companies, and international organizations to finance research activities.
- Esteban Chaves Olarte, Ph.D
- Phone: 25-11-86-11
- Email: esteban.chaves@ucr.ac.cr
- Dra. Eugenia Corrales
- Phone: 2511-5469
- Email: eugenia.corrales@ucr.ac.cr
Advisory Board
- Dr. Esteban Chaves Olarte, Center Director
- Dra. Silvia Quesada, Academic representative of the Vice-Rector’s Office for Research
- Dr. César Rodríguez Sánchez, Scientific Council Representative
- Dr. Steve Quiros Barrantes, Assistant director
Scientific Council
- Esteban Chaves Olarte, Center Director
- Dra. Eugenia Corrales, Scientific Council Representative
- Dr. Steve Quiros Barrantes, Scientific Council Representative
- Dr. Norman Rojas Campos, Scientific Council Representative
- Dra. María Laura Arias, Scientific Council Representative
- Dra. Adriana Troyo Rodríguez, Scientific Council Representative
- Dr. César Rodríguez Sánchez, Scientific Council Representative
- Dra. María del Mar Gamboa, Scientific Council Representative
- Dra. Elizabeth Abrahams Sandí, Scientific Council Representative
- Dr. Carlos Quesada Gómez, Scientific Council Representative
- Dr. Carlos Chacón Díaz, Scientific Council Representative
- Dra. Mónica Prado Porras, Scientific Council Representative
- Dra. Marianela Vargas Umaña, Graduate Representative
- Dr. Rodrigo Mora Rodríguez, Researchers attached to the Unit chosen by the Advisory Board
- Dra. Norma Gross Martínez, Researchers attached to the Unit chosen by the Advisory Board

International Cooperation
- Nicholas Thomson, Sanger Institute, United Kingdom.
- Trevor Lawley, Sanger Institute, United Kingdom.
- Borden Lacy, Vanderbildt University, United States.
- John C. Beier, University of Miami, United States.
- Cirle Warren, University of Virginia School of Medicine, United States.
- Heriberto Fernández, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile.
- Gerly Britto, University of Ceara, Brazil.
- Ignacio Moriyon, University of Navarra, Spain.
- Jean Pierre Gorvel, Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, France.
- Shimon Harrus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
- Teresa Frisan, Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
- Hartmut Hengel, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany.
- Jacob Lorenzo Morales, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain.